Student Services & Assessments
Deana Ridolfo
Supervisor of School Counseling, Assessments, Homeless, and School Transitions
856-794-6700 ext. 2313
School Counseling
A multitude of student services are provided collaboratively by professional school counselors and social workers, to meet the academic, personal/social, and career/technical developmental needs of all students. Integrated with the academic mission of our district, counseling personnel work in partnership with teachers, administrators, nursing staff, parents, students, and community supports such as Inspira Hospital (IMPACT and RAFT programs) in ensuring the delivery of services to all students in Vineland’s schools.
Throughout the school year, students are required by the state to participate in various assessments to measure each student's academic progress. The results of these assessments are analyzed by the school district in order to guide instructional practices, adjust teaching strategies, and track student academic growth. In addition, the state has recently implemented the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJPGA). All students in grade 11 are required to take and demonstrate proficiency on the NJGPA in both English Language Arts and Mathematics as a graduation requirement. Students who take the assessment, but do not demonstrate proficiency in either section of the NJGPA, will be able to access alternate graduation pathways which are noted below. We also offer opportunities for our students to take the PSAT and SAT at school at various times throughout the school year which is indicated on the schedule below.
2023-2024 District Assessment Schedule
2023 District State Assessment Results
Graduation Assessment Requirements
SAT/PSAT Practice: College Board & Khan Academy
McKinney Vento/Homeless
The McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law created to support the enrollment and education of homeless students. McKinney Vento provides homeless students with protections and services to ensure they enroll and attend school as well as complete their high school education. This law defines the term "homeless children and youths" as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This may include staying in the home of other people, living in hotels/motels, emergency shelters, unaccompanied youths, or refugee/migrant youth. The law ensures that homeless students receive their education by removing barriers to school enrollment and full, basic participation in activities. If your family is identified as homeless, support services include immediate enrollment, free/reduced lunch, transportation, uniform assistance, school supplies, and clothing. If you believe you may qualify for McKinney Vento services, please contact your child's school.
STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators. Our students will have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features which include the 24/7 Crisis Text Line and Anonymous Tip Reporting.
Specifically, the program allows students to:
Recognize the signs of at-risk behaviors
Take every sign and signal seriously
Report it anonymously through STOPit App/Web or the 24/7 Incident Response Center
Submit a photo or video evidence (App/Web Only)
Alert designated administrators to issues and risks early, before they escalate
We encourage you to download the STOPit app (see below) or use this website and search for your student's school using our district access code: Vineland. You can privately ask for help for your student, family, others you care about, or even acquaintances who appear to need help.