VHS Service Learning
Graduation Requirement for ALL students

Earning 40 Service Learning Hours is a graduation requirement for all students. Students MUST earn a minimum of 40 hours by the end of their senior year. We encourage students to earn 10 service learning hours each. However, students may earn as many hours as they would like towards their 40 hours. Any student that earns 100 service learning hours will receive a cord to wear at graduation to reward their outstanding volunteerism and service to our community.
What are some ways to earn Service Learning Hours:
Volunteer at elementary or middle school events/tutoring a younger student
Volunteer at church events, soup kitchens, and district food pantry distribution days
Clubs, Activities, and Athletics may offer Service Learning opportunities. Please check with your coach or advisor.
Google Classroom
Join the Service Learning Google Classroom where service opportunities are frequently posted.
12th Grade (Class of 2025) Google Classroom Code: d5qmrw4
11th Grade (Class of 2026) Google Classroom Code: insj3f7
10th Grade (Class of 2027) Google Classroom Code: jtwed7q
9th Grade (Class of 2028) Google Classroom Code: pfnjp76
Recording Hours & Submitting Logs
Record your hours on the Service Learning Log, complete the reflection & Upload the Log to the Genesis Student Portal. An instructional video on how to record your hours & upload your logs is located on the Service Learning Google Classrooms. [Community Service Tab > Add Service >Upload Log]
A maximum of 10 hours per year will be approved for non-school or community-based volunteer activities (i.e. babysitting children/watching family members, mowing a neighbor’s lawn, etc.)
More Information
Please contact your guidance counselor for additional information.