ESY students

The Extended School Year program got off to a great start with students going out to Work Based and Community-Based Learning Experiences.  Mr. Lonergan took his students to work at Vineland High School to do some cleanup of the RISE garden, as well as water and begin planting for a fall harvest. After some morning time at the high school,  they went to Lowe's where they received a lesson on locating items in the store.  They finished off with a scavenger hunt and purchased some soil for another project.  Ms. Hirleman's class also got out into the community this week when they started their ESY project.  Over the next few weeks, the students will help clean and create a garden at the ARC of Cumberland County, a local non-profit community agency that supports children and adults with disabilities.  They will clean the garden area, use appropriate tools and safety apparel and add soil to the garden beds.  They will help create an environment that the students and adults at the ARC can continue to support by planting plants, flowers, and vegetables. They will also water and maintain the garden until the RISE agricultural program at VHS can continue to monitor it throughout the year.

An underlying part of the lesson that happens naturally is how to take care of yourself in the heat and on the job. Class discussions and practices in the community include the need to drink plenty of fluids, taking breaks, using sunscreen, and following weather reports to identify the coolest part of the day to do outdoor work. Our teachers keep a watchful eye and use their best judgment when it comes to working on these trips.