read in

The Vineland High School Campus (Tanner & Asselta) celebrated African American History Month with its annual African American Read-Ins. This year, the event featured participation from several distinguished community members, including Ms. Kim Codospoti, President of the VBOE; Mr. Cedric Holmes, VBOE member; Mr. Shane Harris, VBOE member; Ms. Makema Douglas, author and former VBOE member; Dr. Elizabeth Arthur, City Councilwoman; Ms. Luz Vasquez, Deputy County Administrator; Ms. Sheena Santiago, Events Coordinator for the City of Vineland; Ms. Vera Hexstall, former educator of VPS and Director of Gear-Up; Captain Carlos Mercado from the Vineland Fire Department; Ms. Miya Miyamoto, R.N. and Director of Vineland Villagers; Mr. John Howard, VHS alum and entrepreneur; Mr. Darryl Chestnut, VHS alum and football coach at Gloucester Catholic; Mr. Ismael Bermudez, VBOE Executive Director of Special Projects and Operations; Mr. Anthony Carter, VHS alum and Chief of Staff for LD1; Dr. Ross Stanger, VBOE Supervisor; Ms. Jennifer Webb-McCrae, Cumberland County Prosecutor; the Honorable Judge Demetrica Todd-Ruiz, Salem County Superior Court; Officer Dion Colvin of the Vineland Police Department; and VHS teachers Mr. Chris Mohan, Mrs. Vanessa Rasmussen, and Mr. Alexis Perez.

The event also showcased the talents of several Vineland High School students, including members of the African American Cultural Club under the direction of Mr. Albert Porter, the VHS Select Choir led by Ms. Jesenia Larriu, the Advanced Theater group under the direction of Ms. Abigail Gardner, and the Dance Team under the direction of Ms. Tammy Hall. This celebration was organized by Mr. Albert Porter, VHS teacher, Ms. Natalie Reynolds, VHS (Asselta) Media Specialist, and Ms. Heather Fiori, VHS (Tanner) Media Specialist.