Rossi Owls-resending as another flyer has been added.
See your Weekly Parent Communications/Flyers here.
Resending as another flyer was added.

Rossi Owls,
This is just a reminder that any PRETZEL order must be in by tomorrow am 2/19/25.
Thank you!

Congrats to our little cupids 💘 who were “Caught Being Good” this week🎉

Vineland Public Schools are closed this Wednesday, 2/12/25.

All Vineland Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to inclement weather. Stay safe!

Updated weekly schedule

All Vineland Public Schools, including preschools and private provider preschools, will open two hours late on Thursday, February 6, 2025, because of the impending inclement weather.
Staff will report on a 90-minute delay. Parents are reminded that because of the delayed opening, they may NOT drop off their children at school early. Staff may not be available to admit them to the building. No breakfast will be provided on delayed openings. Lunch will be served as normal. Before and After school providers will follow the same delays as students. Students attending schools outside Vineland Public Schools, including CCTEC, charter schools, and non-public schools, will follow their school’s schedule.
Tomorrow's schedule for students:
Vineland High School - 9:28 am - 2:05 pm
Cunningham Academy - 10:10 am - 2:10 pm
Middle Schools - 10:10 am - 2:50 pm
Elementary Schools - 11:20 am - 3:40 pm
Preschools - 10:10 am - 2:10 pm
Times and more information can be found on our website here: https://bit.ly/40kKAvy

Rossi Owls, See your Weekly Parent Communications/Flyers here. https://www.vineland.org/o/ares/live-feed

Rossi Owls,
While cleaning out our Lost and Found we came across a key to a Chevy vehicle attached to a key fob. If you have been missing a car key please call the office. 856-794-6961.

Rossi Owls,
See our Monthly Newsletter here: https://www.vineland.org/o/ares/article/1650760

Rossi Owls: Please see the attached Pop Up Dress Down Week for 2/3-2/7/25.

Congrats to this weeks "Caught Being Good" students 🎉

Congrats to this weeks "Caught Being Good" students 🎉

Fly Eagles Fly! Free Dress Down Day on Tuesday 1/21/25

Congrats to this weeks "Caught Being Good" students of the week 🎉