D’Ippolito individual student photos are scheduled for October 3 & 4, 2024.
Students may dress out of uniform, in school appropriate attire on their scheduled photo day (ripped clothing/crop tops are not permitted).
Order forms will be send home AFTER the photos have been taken. If you wish to purchase photos you may do so at that time.
There are NO make-ups.
On October 3rd the following classes with have their photos taken:
C-4, C-5, C-7, D-1, D-2, D-3, A-2, A-3, A-1, C-2, C-14, A-11, A-15, A-6, A-7, C-12
On October 4th the following classes with have their photos taken:
C-1, C-6, C-8, C-9, C-10, C-11, A-4, A-5, C-13, B-1, A-13, A-12, A-14, A-8, A-9
Thank you!